Education is one of the cornerstones of the John Howard Society of Niagara’s work.

Expanding the reach of educational services in our community offers an exciting opportunity for growth for JHS Niagara.  Initiatives that target youth and other community members in need of assistance remain a critical part of our resource investments.

Programs offered through our Education division include:

ECPP- Education and Community Partnership Program

The Education and Community Partnership Programs (ECPP) are a partnership between the District School Board of Niagara and The John Howard Society of Niagara. The classroom team is made up of a DSBN Teacher and a Youth Worker from the John Howard Society. Together they support the students to develop both the personal and academic skills needed to be successful at home, in school and/or the community.

Project R.E.W.I.N.D (Restoring Events With Integrity, Negotiation & Dignity)

The Restorative Conference provides a safe, structured forum where those persons most affected by the harming incident are able to gather, and address how they had been affected by the incident.

Canada-Ontario Job Grant

It provides an opportunity for employers to invest in their workforce, with assistance from the government. Click here to read more…